Sunday 2 December 2012


Once i met Obama
He was looking happy to have killed Osama
I asked him why was he still funding Pakistan
Why was Iraq attacked event when they didn't find WMD neither in Iraq nor in Afganistan
He had no answer
For terrorism....Pakistan was the only sponsor
How come after so many evidences
Pakistan came out clean with it's Defenses
USA just wanted oil
That is why all the innocent people of Iraq were buried in there own soil
A day which turned them upside down..9/11
When President did looked like a clown
After which they killed enormous number of muslims which was a shame
Some were tortured to death and others were made to leave because of there name
We all know that they were the one to create osama
Now why are you not answering obama
There were 4 flights which were hijacked and had targets to hit
Why only United 93 crashed in Saint Pittsburgh which had White house to hit...
He still didn't have any answer
Terrorism now was just like a cancer
What say...being a MUSLIM does not mean i am a FUNDAMENTALIST or a COMMUNIST...but My name is KHAN and i am not a TERRORIST....!

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